
  1. The Atrix website is provided by "Atrix Business Services Limited". "Atrix Business Services Limited" makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy or suitability of this information for any purpose. Errors and omissions may occur. Therefore, "Atrix Business Services Limited" disclaims any warranty, whether express or implied, as to any matter relating to the Atrix website and all information provided, including but not limited to its validity or fitness for any particular purpose.
  2. In no event shall "Atrix Business Services Limited" be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any use of or reliance on any information contained herein. Nor does "Atrix Business Services Limited" assume any responsibility for failure or delay in updating or removing the information contained herein. Information provided on the Atrix website does not constitute legal or tax advice. Visitors to the Atrix website should seek appropriate professional advice for legal or tax matters.
  3. The information provided in our website is intended for informational purposes only and is subjected to change without notice. All services fees are subjected to change without prior notice. Information maybe changed or updated without notice. Exact may also make improvements and/or changes in the products, pricing and/or the programs described in this information at any time without notice.
  4. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of Atrix.
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