HK & China Trademark Registration - Intellectual Properties

Special promotion for limited time only

Now we are offering a flat 10% discount to every new Trademark Registration and existing Trademark Renewal. This discount does not include government fees at the place of registration. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.

IP Protection
Intellectual properties ("IP") include trademarks, patents, copyright, designs, plant varieties and the layout-design of integrated circuits. Registration of your IP provides greater protection of your company's brand, goods and services with greater remedies.


  • Protects a company's name or logo, which is often a company's most valuable asset
  • Exclusive rights for the IP owner to use the mark nationwide in connection with goods or services.
  • Decreases the likelihood of another party claiming that your trademark infringes upon their trademark.
  • Gives you a legal presumption of ownership.
Trademark Registration
Registering your trademark means that you have the exclusive right to use the trademark on the goods and services for which it is registered. If other traders use it for the same or similar goods or services in your countries of registration without your consent, they may be liable for infringement of your trademark and you may take legal action. If you don't register your trademark, you can still use it but it is difficult to prove that you are the "owner" of the trademark and as such your protection is limited.
Our services include
  • Conducting searches and advising on feasibility of registering your proposed trademarks
  • Advising on issues in relation to registration and related requirements for trademarks
  • Conducting “freedom–to-operate” clearance searches regarding use of trademarks
  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting trademark applications
  • Maintenance and renewals of trademark portfolios
Countries/Regions: Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China, Europe Community and other Countries
  1. Registering a trademark in Hong Kong can be used as a basis for obtaining registration in People’s Republic of China
  2. Further information will be provided upon receipt of any written request for registering an IP in other countries
Patent Registration
A patent protects your invention by giving you, the patent owner, a legal right to prevent others from manufacturing, using, selling or importing your patented invention.
Our services include
  • Advising in relation to commercial transactions involving the assignment and licensing of patent rights and underlying technologies
  • Preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications in Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China and internationally
  • Conducting “freedom–to-operate” clearance searches and providing strategic IP advice regarding commercialisation of new technologies
  • Conducting prior art searches and advising on patentability and validity of inventions
  • Maintenance and renewals of patent portfolios